Are you protecting your website?

WordPress Security - Website Support

How important is your website to your company? How would your company be impacted if your website disappeared, wasn’t available for a day? a week? a month or even half a year? Or worse still, what if your website was hacked and was displaying inappropriate material?

The above scenarios are unfortunately not uncommon! If you have a WordPress website then this is even more common. I’m not knocking WordPress websites, in fact most websites that Pink Fin design use WordPress, but because of its open source, and extremely popular usage across the Internet, WordPress is a focal point for hackers.

So what can you do? Well if you’re protecting your website properly by managing the website on a weekly/monthly basis, you can reduce the threat to hackers considerably. It’s reported by that around 50% of all WordPress websites on the Internet today have security vulnerabilities caused by outdated plugins and outdated WordPress versions.

There are many other things that can be done to help protect a website, but just by keeping all this up to date, you would reduce your vulnerability considerably. Now you can of course do this yourself and it is a fairly quick job to do. However, to ensure nothing goes wrong at the updating stage, you’d need to take a full backup of your website including the database file(s). Once you have this, then you can run updates. If you encounter any issues you are then able to restore your site to the previous workable version, rather than having a broken site.

Supporting and Managing websites is something that we do for our clients on a monthly basis. Assuming that your website is a WordPress website, below is an example of our ‘Lite’ Support package.

For as little as £30 a month our ‘Lite’ Support/Management monthly package includes:
  • Weekly full website backups (website files and database file(s))
  • WordPress and all plugins kept up to date (ensuring website runs smoothly)
  • Security software installed to stop brute force attacks
  • Up to 30 mins of dedicated content changes
  • Technical support via telephone, email and livechat

Is the peace of mind that your business website is secure and working properly worth £30 or more a month?

See all our other support/management packages here »


Contact Us For More Information


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